Scripture: John 6:1-15
Our Daily Bread
Bread is a symbol of how God meets our needs, because everyone needs to eat and bread is a very ordinary food. What are some other basic needs we have?
Print out the Daily Bread Worksheet and find a pencil or marker.
Finish this sentence: I could not live without _______________.
Write you answers on the pieces of bread on your worksheet.
Today we will learn about a large group of people who had a very big need. Let’s go to large group and see what happened to them.
Today’s Epic Bible Story is presented by Crossroads Kids’ Club.
Here are some wonderings from today’s story:
• I wonder what that huge crowd of people thought about this miracle.
• I wonder what Jesus did with all the leftover food.
• Why didn’t the people pack a lunch?
• Did the boy pack his lunch or did his mom?
• I wonder how the boy felt about what Jesus did with his lunch.
There were leftovers! Jesus fed over 5,000 people from a few fish and loaves of bread, but there was an abundance of leftovers!
Do you know what “abundance” means? It means a large amount or having plenty.
Our God is a God of abundance! He gives us abundant love. He gives us abundant grace. He gives us abundant forgiveness. He gives of Himself abundantly! God deservers our deep thankfulness and praise!
Find some paper and a pen. As a family write a letter to God thanking Him for how He has abundantly given Himself and provided for you.
Memory Verse: Philippians 2:10-11. “At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord.”
Help children memorize Philippians 2:10-11.
**Lesson adapted from Epic Curriculum with Word Publishing.