Scripture: Jonah 1-3


Simon Says

As a family play a game of Simon Says. For more people and fun try to Zoom or FaceTime friends and family. Let everyone have a turn to be Simon and lead the game. 

As a family discuss the following questions:
What is key to winning this game?
Why can this game be hard?
Why is it important to listen to make right choices?

Today we are going to hear another Epic story from the Bible where a man decided to not listen to God and made the wrong choice, but God still forgave him anyway.


This week’s video lesson is presented by Crossroads Kid Club. 


Story Wonderings:

  • How do you think the people of Nineveh felt about Jonah?

  • How do you think Jonah felt when God gave him a second chance?

  • Who has given you a second chance and why?

  • What do you think it was like to be inside of a big fish?


I Will Do My Part

Below is a link to a coloring page. Please print it out and grab some crayons or markers. As you’re coloring notice what the kids are doing in the pictures… They are helping with dishes, cleaning up their toys, brushing their teeth, helping with laundry and taking care of the trash. Our parents ask us to do things and God asks that we honor our parents. This week we are going to challenge ourselves to obey our parents when they ask us to do something. Just like Jonah decided to obey God the second time he was asked to go to Nineveh. 


Memory Verse:  “It is the Lord your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.” Deuteronomy 13:4

**Lesson adapted from Epic Curriculum with Word Publishing.